Four Best Italian Pizzas in Sunrise Cafe and Kebab House

Sunrise Café and Kebab House bring to you out of the box food. But the best part is that this café serves some of the best Italian Food in Plympton. The menu holds some of the coolest fusion pizzas which amalgamate the flavors of Italy and Asia. It is a perfect food joint for the weekend which packs flavors from around the Globe. The pizzeria can beat any store with its flavor and richness. Here are four must-have pizzas at Sunrise Café and Kebab House.

1.      Margarita Pizza
The list of Italian Pizza is incomplete without a fresh Margarita Pizza. Garnished with homemade pizza sauce and sweet tomato basils, it will challenge any Italian food in Plympton.  Unbeatable freshness and taste from roots of Italy have already made the Pizza among the fan favorites. Indulge in unadulterated Pizza experience from this eatery at Plympton.

2.      Meat Lover’s Paradise
Gluttonous meat lovers now have another reason to rejoice as Sunrise Café brings Meat Lovers Pizza. Italian food in Plympton is never the same as the pizza from Sunrise Café and Kebab House. The pizza is packed with a generous topping of grilled lamb, roasted beef, and roasted pepperoni. The dash of spicy barbeque sauce among the meat creates a hellishly delicious flavor to die for.

3.      Seafood waves
If the meat lovers have their paradise, why the seafood lovers are behind?  Sunrise Café and Kebab House present seafood lovers delight, the Seafood Deluxe Pizza. The pizza is topped with Prawns, Calamari, and fish along with the secret homemade sauce. It can quickly satisfy health-conscious food lovers with low cholesterol proteins and flavorful sauce.  The pizza can easily compete against any seafood Pizza among Italian food in Plympton.

4.      Fusion – The Desi Way
Want a bit of Indian spice kick to your favorite Italian Pizza? Sunrise Café and Kebab House offer Butter Chicken Pizza. The dish has taken fusion Italian Food in Plympton to the next level. It is an excellent example of Asian and European fusion. The pizza is topped with homemade butter chicken gravy, grilled chicken with fresh onion and chill flakes. This pizza will be great for flavorful and spicy dish lovers who want a piece of India with their food.
